I still remember being young and every time I felt as if I were in love, it felt like as if I were simply part of a juxtaposition of two lost souls side by side in orbit around a chaotic world.
Thomas Slatin
I still remember being young and every time I felt as if I were in love, it felt like as if I were simply part of a juxtaposition of two lost souls side by side in orbit around a chaotic world.
Thomas Slatin
tell me about it. the feeling is out of this world.
I like that we can still talk about love and being loved in a chaotic world. Life will be a lot better just this way.
When I remember the feeling of being young it can be overwhelming at times. The feeling of love , joy and happiness all around then was all that concerned me, and not how chaotic the world was.
It really is overwhelming when we tend to feel young. When you are young there is nothing else you want to feel and that is being inlove. No matter how our world’s desposition is. Even if it is chaotic or not still being inlove is greater amongst others.
Youth is the most beautiful time, where young men and women feel the beauty of falling in love. The moment when emotional feelings are high up.
My great photographer turns a great philosopher. You are so gifted Tom. Thanks for this beautiful quote.
Such a deep statement. I can relate to that too.
I agree, when I was young, everything seemed so beautiful and curious.
I want to be young again.
when we are young, our world revolved around little things like eating, sleeping and playing. When are getting older we realized that our parents shielded us from all this things.
Alot of things just seems stunning when we were young. A lot love and beauty. Thomas, you are a man of many skills.
Young love can be quite wild. It makes you see and do crazy things.
I wish I could be younger again, alot of opportunities we dont care much about. That young age is just fantastic, full of love and care. You are a man of many skills.
Young love is always the best, because it’s full of mysteries and curiiocur to know. Hard to forget those days.
I wish I can be young again and make everything right, just the way I have always wanted it to be . I like the quote.
Wow, that’s a beautiful way to describe love. Spoken like a true poet.
I have never been much of a believer in love. I have just never understood it.
Love is one of those things. You just have to experience it to understand it.
This has to be the first time I’ve seen you talk about love. You rarely touch on the topic.
I like the sweet flowery language. It’s very befitting for describing love.
Everyone has their own way of describing love. It affects everyone differently.
You should do a compilation of all your quotes. They have numbered a lot by now.
Looks like you are not a strong believer in love. I could be wrong though.
Two lost souls side by side in orbit around a chaotic world. Very interesting way to describe love Tom.
You were young then. I bet you understand love much better now.
Love is what makes the world go round. It makes life so much more worth living.
Love is something really powerful. Young love for me is different from real love.