I attribute my success to sheer determination and defiance. Every single time someone told me that I couldn’t do something, or I simply wasn’t good enough, I worked twice as hard, turning the roadblocks of discouragement into inspiration.
Thomas Slatin
The quote is good as said. You’d really justified the term “Success”. Brilliant look and thanks for sharing
This a very inspiring act. It should be a good practice that. we need to accept feedback and use it positively to help us better ourselves everyday.
This is a code that deserves to be emulated. You are very correct that each comes with a challenge at times LIFE HAPPENS. Instead of backing down the more we must push on.
Same here at Slatin, I don’t dwell on self pity. I try to turn all my lemons to lemonade and I push forward to become the very best that I can be.
Being successful is by determination, we can only succeed if we put our right foot forward and focus always.
Success invariably means hardworking. That’s is work tirelessly to achieve a better result. Your quote is meaningful. Thanks for this posture on your post.
That’s a very nice attitude for success. Some people just stop when things are getting difficult for them.
That’s how should be Tom, I’ll have to take your sample and encourage my self to get where I wanna get in my life.
Very inspiring quote indeed. I look forward to more like this.
This is so true. Never allow anyone to tell you you’re not good enough!
This is a very relatable quote. I couln’t agree more with it.
This is so true and I apply it to my life. I always work twice as hard whenever told that I am not good enough.
What a powerful quote. I feel greatly inspired by this 🙂
Hi Thomas! As it should be, I always say, look at what others may perceive as obstacles as opportunities. Typically when one discourages it’s because of a self perceived limitation that a person has put on themselves, or what they have been told by others that is negative attempting to diminish one’s self esteem – which has, to an extent in terms of the person being negative and wanting to discourage another person. Confident and happy people don’t put others down, there is no room or thought to do so. I believe we are all here to encourage one another and lift up, see the value in ourselves and others to establish a better, kinder, more compassionate and encouraging, love based world. Each individual in this world has gifts and abilities to use, and when working hard to refine those gifts and abilities, each of us can choose to do good and uplift others. Seeing one’s value and worth clearly gives one the ability to see the value and worth in all others and can encourage and lift up, so that everyone can be encouraged to use their talents to better the world and the better the lives of not only oneself but many others. Lisa Pellegrene http://www.officiallisapellegrene.com